Monday, May 23, 2011

Active Life Lenses not only fix cataracts, but can improve your vision

Jeanne J. after her Active Life Lens procedure. Read her
 thank you note to Dr. Wright here.
Quality of life is a big term in ophthalmology.  Luckily we rarely have to deal with life and death situations in our field, instead we are given the chance to improve a patient’s everyday life, which is just as exciting to me. It is what makes my job the best one in the world.

Nobody likes the news that they need surgery.  The same holds true for patients who come to me with decreased vision from cataracts.  Many patients hear that “s” word and become apprehensive.

What is great about ophthalmology is that I have the opportunity to not only fix a cataract, but to make the vision better than before the cataract.  Think about that for a second. Most of the time you go to the doctor with a problem. You get it fixed, which brings you back to the baseline you were at before the illness or problem.  With cataract surgery, I am able to remove the cataract, but take it a step further and actually improve the vision to better than before surgery.

At Mann Eye Institute, we perform the surgeries and use Active Life Lenses to improve your life.  There are lenses that can get rid of the astigmatism and prescription that has plagued some their whole lives.  These lenses can let you wake up in the morning and see in the distance without glasses in greater than 95% of people who receive them.  There is also a lens which can let you see distance and near without glasses the majority of the time.  Think about shaving, putting on make-up, and of course reading without using glasses.  Again, around 95% of people with Active Life Lens procedures can go the majority of their day without glasses. That’s pretty amazing if you ask me.

Come in and see if one of out Active Life Lens procedures may be able to help you see better and be less dependent on glasses.  It is an exciting opportunity for our patients, and we love to be a part of it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Enjoy outdoor activities again

The weather is changing, and it is time to get out and enjoy the sun.  Along with the sun comes the active lifestyle we all enjoy.  At Mann Eye Institute, I get the pleasure of hearing my happy patients talk about all the activities they get to enjoy glasses-free after surgery.

For those out there who are on the fence about LASIK you should talk to someone who has already had surgery and ask them how happy they are (even if they were nervous about doing it beforehand!)

We all know we should be running, walking, biking, swimming, and more to stay healthy, look good, and live longer.  Think of how much easier is to do all these activities without glasses.

And even for those activities that require eyewear, my patients get excited when they no longer have to buy expensive prescription eyewear.  To be able to buy swim goggles, designer sunglasses, motorcycle goggles, and such without the restrictions of a prescription opens up a whole new world of designs and brands at a fraction of the cost.

We hope we can add you to the large contingent of happy patients at Mann Eye Institute. Call, email, or chat with us to set up a free appointment to see if you would benefit from Blade-free LASIK or if an Active Life Lens is right for you.

Brian Wright, MD
Mann Eye Institute
(713) 580-2500